Simon Kolz

A weblog by Simon Kolz

Author Archive

Talk Radio Success

You do not have to hire a publicist or advertise through a booking service to promote your books on talk radio. My friend Stephen Schochet and I have been scheduling our own radio appearances for several years. Working independently, we have, between us, logged over 1,000 interviews, and we continue to sell our books, CDs, […]

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Who Said That? Making Dialogue Crystal Clear

Recently, I was hunting for a book that would simply entertain me. I didn’t want to have to ponder about ‘who dun it’. I didn’t want to have to think about the meaning of life. I just wanted to sit back with believable, likeable characters and ‘watch’ while their story unfolded. Something light. Something humorous.

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5 Ways to Give Your Web Site a Big-Company Look and Feel

We all DO judge a book by its cover, and the same saying goes for Web sites. I’ve seen many entrepreneurs offer great information on their Web pages, but compromise their image dramatically with a few amateur mistakes that can be VERY unforgiving.

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Create a Dream Office You Will Love

All business owners create their niche in the world of free enterprise. They plant their steak in the American dream; however, the basics are the same for everyone. You must have advertising, you must take care of your bookkeeping, and you must acknowledge you employee’s needs. It all stems form one central point in your […]

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