Simon Kolz

A weblog by Simon Kolz


Oh No! A Bad Book Review! Have No Fear…Advice For Dealing With The Blues Of A Bad Book Review

You’ve just been notified a review of your book has been posted. You’re all excited and can’t wait to see what has been written. You’re clicking onto your book’s page when…Oh no! They hated your book! This bad review is going to turn away customers from buying your book. Wait! This isn’t the end of […]

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Principles of The Zone Diet Plan

The Zone Diet has been around since around 1995, when fatty acids research scientist Dr. Barry Sears published the New York Times bestseller “The Zone”. This book was aimed at other doctors but it was found rather quickly by the general public. Since that time he has authored several other books on the subject. The […]

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Time-Saving Skills to Get More from Your Writing

As you set out to create your first niche non-fiction book (and hopefully your first bestseller), you will be supported by a strong motivation to keep your mind focused on the essential business at hand i.e. complete the project, achieve publication, and hit the bestseller lists.

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